Courses and lectures

Birth preparation education for expecting parents

By increasing your knowledge, your confidence and your ability to handle childbirth, you can create a safe and positive experience for both you and your baby.

Knowledge is power, and by preparing for childbirth you gain a better understanding of the physiological process and what is happening in your body. This increases your sense of control and means you can make more informed decisions that suit your personal preferences and needs. An increased sense of control also contributes to reducing fear and anxiety before childbirth.

An important part of preparation is learning relaxation techniques. Relaxation helps promote a sense of calm and reduces the experience of pain by reducing muscle tension and releasing endorphins, the body's natural pain-relieving hormones.

Practical birth preparation

Akupressur för avslappning
Akupressur för avslappning

Together with your partner/support person, you can attend my short courses where I teach techniques for pain relief and relaxation. Teaching takes place in your own home.

Short acupressure parent class

The course gives you practical practice in acupressure to use during childbirth. Specific points are stimulated with pressure for pain relief, relaxation and support of the birth process.

Read more here.

Practical preparation with acupressure and Specific body exercises

During this course, in addition to acupressure, you will also learn various body exercises aimed at facilitating the passage of the baby through the pelvis. The exercises release tension in e.g. pelvis and ligaments. The exercises can be used both before and during childbirth.

Read more here.

Customised courses

With Gravidbalans you can get a tailor-made preparation based on your specific needs. After a free phone consultation, we put together a preparation program designed just for you and your partner/supportperson.  
Book a phone consultation here

Online courses

In autumn 2023, Gravidbalans will start our online courses with both theory about physiological birth and practical exercises. You can already register your interest via the contact form. 

Lectures and workshops on human rights during birth and pregnancy.

Human rights are something that to the highest degree include pregnancy and birth. Only the unique individual has the right to make decisions concerning their body and child. Sometimes it can be difficult as a health care professional to navigate rights in relation to care routines, perhaps especially during an ongoing birth.

The subject has interested me throughout my adult life and from a general interest and through my work in care development the right to autonomy and the other human rights has always been present. The right to make informed decisions and consent during pregnancy and birth regarding care and treatment has become a special interest of mine.

Do you want me to come to your workplace and give you more knowledge and tools on the subject?

Please contact me.